Thursday, November 18, 2021

Session #3 "Night of the Jackal"

London, 1890s. Retired members of British military regiments the Buffs are dropping like flies.  First in what seem like accidents, then what are clearly brutal murders.

Our intrepid investigators - wealthy twins Quentin and Emily Harwood - hardy adventurers though constantly feuding; Mirela Babtista, a Russian gypsy and sometimes spy, and Theodosia Throckmorton, a young Egyptologist and occultist, find themselves drawn in ever deeper when they become almost-witnesses to the murder themselves, and the Harwoods cousin, Alan Paice, finds himself threatened by the dark forces gathering around them.  

All roads lead to a retired army colonel with a dark secret, and a showdown with cultists, zombies, and thing with the head of a jackal...

This was our first Gaslight session and it seems to have been a big hit.  Players took some very unexpected turns with their characters (yay!) and had a real close call with the Child of the Sphinx and the cultists at the end.  Doesn't hurt that this was a well-written and inspiring scenario.  I made minimal changes to the thing.  We ended up going way past our intended 3-hour mark (5 hours all told!), and that seems to be a good sign that people were into it.