Monday, October 11, 2021

Session #2: Dead in the Water


Our heroes are taking some r&r in the charming seaport town of Kingsport.  There they find themselves drawn into the mystery involving a rash of disappearances of fishermen and boaters.  Via a twisted path with several blind alleys, they find themselves delving into scandalous events in the town's remote past, and a ghost ship terrorizing the seas, ending in a confrontation with the ghost ship, its crew, and the coast guard.  

Session #2 went pretty well insofar as everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.  Despite a lot of prep though, I don't think I handled the scenario as well as I could.  I was unprepared for some of the paths the team went down, and didn't have anything to offer them (oops!  major GM fail).  I also didn't exploit the setting nearly enough.  If I run it again I definitely think it deserves two sessions, and more immersion in weirdness that is Kingsport, including some red herrings which wouldn't have helped them solve the mystery but would have been fun to play out!